This Could be 'the Big One'

Last night we had the first real black clouds on the horizon. Erik Silk and I decided to warn the ship. It was a frantic running from deck to deck, front to back, screaming for people to take cover. It wasn’t really screaming because people wouldn’t’ believe us, but we realized that whispering would be much more beneficial. By whispering just loud enough for others to hear, it created a rumor. “The Big One is coming!” some kept repeating to friends.

“50 foot swells”
“storm of the century”
“winds coming from the east at 70 mph”

The list goes but you get the basic premise. Most people didn’t believe us, but the ones that did were afraid and said they felt sick already. The big one might not have come last night, but it will. I warn you. It’s coming. It could be tonight, it could be tomorrow… but one thing is for sure. This could be the Big One. All Hands on Deck.

We should be crossing the equator anytime now

2 Response to "This Could be 'the Big One'"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    February 13, 2007 at 12:36 PM

    oh no the big one! I told you, you have one mission. Dont die!

  2. MdrnPrincess says:
    February 14, 2007 at 7:41 AM

    Crossing the equator... WOW not many people can say they have done that in a lifetime. xo

    P.s You better be sleeping in a life vest.