Loyal til The End

Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my recent life. I guess it wasn’t even the fact that I needed a computer as much as I just liked to have it in my possession to know that it is near me. It is my safety net. It keeps me safe when things get crazy. Now, I’m all alone without a machine in the world to save me.
Everyone I know is telling me that I can use their computers to do whatever I need to do but its just not the same. I like to think of it as cheating on a wife. We have been in this relationship for around 3 years now and it would seem so wrong to just quit on the first signs of trouble. It’s the equivalent of being married for that long them your wife falls in a coma due to heart failure. All she needs is a new heart. The closest donor is only 7 days away (Cape Town, South Africa) and everyone is begging me to find something new already. They want me to use what they have. What they don’t realize is what I had was all I ever needed. It was my everything and I refuse to throw away the memories and the fun times just because she has had one small failure of a heart (or a hard drive). The body is not ruined, some parts just don’t work as well as others. That is called aging but like Henry Ford showed the world, things work better with interchangeable parts. Humans work the same, as do laptops. I know she is worth the wait, these past 3 years have been some of the best in my life, but I still have my fingers crossed hoping that she will make a full recovery and pull through to be a part of the symbiotic relationship that has been going strong for so long.

I will forever remain loyal to my 600m.

Cape Town: 6 days, 21 hours, and 32 minutes, and 24 seconds away

7 Response to "Loyal til The End"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    February 23, 2007 at 2:01 PM

    I'm glad you are so loyal to your love. She'll be fixed and ready to go before you know it!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    February 23, 2007 at 2:18 PM

    you're adorable kev

  3. Anonymous Says:
    February 23, 2007 at 7:51 PM

    Hey Kevin! well it's Amanda. Today is RA appreciation and we've decided to post a comment on here. (i love the blog by the way.)
    anyways, you are missed, but you have found a good man to be here for us. But we just wanted to let you know that we miss you and that you are definetly still appreciated whether you are here or not. And thanks for being an awesome RA and a wonderful friend. love you kiddo!

    Kevin!!! Its me, Ona!! Today is RA appreciation day and so even though you are on a boat, I wanted to tell you that you are probably the best RA I ever had...(its true). Sorry about your computer, I know how special she is to you. I hope everything turns out well. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    kevin motha fuckin frasure!!!
    soooo pretty much i TOTALLY appreciate you and i will love you forever and ever until the day i diee.. just like you do your computer. don't judge me. soo, i sounds like you are having an amazing time and i am so happy that you are!!!
    happy RA (aka, friend) day! you are oh so special to me.

  4. Mac says:
    February 23, 2007 at 9:45 PM

    The laptop died!?!? Perhaps only you and I know the trials of getting that little buddy of yours in time for college. Just one of the many successes pulled off in the 11th hour! If you can't fix it, you can have a funeral at sea, and I'll be there in spirit. Your Navy grandpa would be proud. Keep the blog coming -- it's enjoyable.


  5. Anonymous Says:
    February 23, 2007 at 9:50 PM

    it is good to know you are loyal till the end, and beyond. i knew there was a reason i kept you around. i'm working on a new heart, let me work some magic...

  6. Mac says:
    February 23, 2007 at 9:50 PM

    BTW - This post has an eerie familiarity to your love poem to that old, rickety, taped phone you had. I believe you subjected me to your phone adoration monologue a couple of times. What is it with you and this unnatural affection for the technology? And always they are female . . .

  7. Mary says:
    February 24, 2007 at 1:11 AM

    Well Mr.Kevin Frasure-
    I finally figured out this stupid blogger thing. I thought about starting my own, but that lasted about a second. I am just too lazy. Anyway I met a friend of yours at the womens conference named graham button. anyway thats my news.

    PS.i am sorry about the computer and am also counting down the days till South Afirca