The Lack of Posts

so some of you may be wondering what the hell happened to me or why I stopped writing. Well... I am in perfect health and I fully plan on getting to all the blogs but I realized that this trip starting going about 500 miles an hour not too long ago.
After India, we have been in a different country every 2 or 3 days and I get no time to write my blogs. I am trying to keep up but I refuse to write the blog while I am in another country (like I am now). I would write them after the country but trying to fit an entire semester's work into 21 class periods is not an easy task so when I get back from a country, it is time to get to work between writing the endless papers and multiple tests. Its not too bad but you really have to be structured when on the ship because we dont have 9 days at sea to do all our work and mess around.
I may be about 4 countries behind but India is almost finished and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. India is not a place you can really put into words but Im trying my hardest. Malaysia, Vietnam and China will follow.
Without a computer, anytime I get one, I have to do school work so as soon as I find time. mostly after Japan (in 1 week) I will start catching up. I think Im going to skip Mauritius... it was just an island and nothing really amazing happened compared to the rest of the places around the world. Great place for vacation but I am not here to go on vacation.
Currently I am in Hong Kong and will be in Beijing tomorrow to see the Great Wall and Forbidden City. My camera is ready and my mind is open. Sorry for the lack in writing, but I refuse to stop seeing the world to let you read about it. I will catch up soon enough.

This is the most amazing, life changing experience of my entire life

There is no better educator than traveling and no matter what you read in a book or see on a tv... it will never do it justice. I have pictures to prove I was there but you still wont understand half of it.

Much love... stateside in a time too short and one that I'd rather not talk about

Random pics

Captain Jeremy (left) and his first mate

just some dolphins next to the ship at sundown... no big deal