He might not want me, but he still gets me... Damn you Uncle Sam

Chad Johnson once said that there are only 3 things certain in life:
1. Death
2. Taxes
3. #85 will always be open

I am realizing how true #2 is even while at sea. Here I am in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and South Africa and Uncle Sam still has me by the collar. Many people are saying that we can get extensions due to study abroad or whatever but the bottom line is those people dont have to worry about a little thing called FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). It pretty much controls my life and anyone else that doesnt have the world given to them on a silver platter. I think it's funny that I say that and pretend that Im some poor kid when I am being served everyday and cleaned up after by people that think they have absolutely amazing jobs. It really puts a lot of things into perspective.

I do my taxes, and as expected, they tell me I or the family, didn't make oodles of money this year. This may be true for the United States, but its fascinating that when compared to the rest of the world, we are out of control wealthy. Talking about how much money you dont have in America is not something you are ever proud of but then again talking about not having money in places where you are the richest person there is humbling.

This trip may just be starting but I have this crazy feeling that no matter what Uncle Sam tells me every year when I get my W-2 back that I will know that poverty is not something I am near. Im witnessing poverty, and its not in America, atleast not in the America that I live in. And I wouldn't call the America I was brought in and live in anywhere near high class.

It's all relative based on social location. I can live like a king in some places where in others I am the filth of the earth just trying to get by. So next time, you think you have it rough, I hope you can save up enough to be able to go out in the world and realize how good all of us already have it and realize we have no reason to complain about much of anything.

5 Response to "He might not want me, but he still gets me... Damn you Uncle Sam"

  1. MdrnPrincess says:
    February 28, 2007 at 1:09 PM

    You know what keeps so many people coming back to read your blogs? It is that you can just feel the passion in your writing. Sometimes I wish the whole money thing would just go away. A bit of a naive thought because I dont know how the "world would go round" without it but it does tend to get in the way at times. Hope it works out ok. xo

  2. Anonymous Says:
    February 28, 2007 at 7:26 PM


  3. Anonymous Says:
    February 28, 2007 at 8:08 PM

    Mr. Fraser!!! It took me a while to get caught up on your blogs..but i finally did it...lol. I'm sure the actual trip is going great. But i was just thinking the other day about you and a quote you said to me. "Cuddling is so underrated" haha, its so true. Just wanted to let you know i was thinking bout you, ttyl
    Miss Kari Britton

  4. Mary says:
    March 1, 2007 at 10:14 AM

    I disagree with the above comment. The reason everyone keeps coming to your blogs is because you made the same with all your friends---over their beloved South Africa. Okay---I'm totally lying---the real reason people keep coming to your blogs is because so many people miss the Great KEvin Frasure and in my case, are sad that they can no longer give you crap in the States.

  5. Anonymous Says:
    March 1, 2007 at 11:33 PM

    every time I talk to you or read your thoughts I am even more impressed than the time prior. I miss you!