23 hour days

It has recently come to my attention that a calendar day is no longer 24 hours on this ship. Being that we are traveling east on our way around the world, it feels as if we are losing an hour every single day we sail. This sucks because you finally get adjusted to the sleeping patterns and what time things are and we are reminded to set our clocks ahead 1 hour every single time we ever want to go anywhere on this ship. It’s getting out of hand if you ask me. It’s hard to believe that after tomorrow, we will be 5 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time. It wont be long before we are on the same time zone as London.
It feels like we continue to move along but everyday at noontime report we barely move any. We still have about 1800 miles to Salvador but we are only about 200 miles off the coast of Brazil now. It’s hard to believe that Brazil is actually bigger than the United States if you don’t include Alaska (Jones if you are reading this, don’t worry because Alaska shouldn’t count anyway). We are scheduled to cross the equator on Valentine’s Day around noon. Some may think it will be a day for love, but I'm just excited to see the water go down the drain in a different direction in the Southern Hemisphere. Still calm seas but I am ready for a storm, lets throw this ship a curve ball and see how it does. I remember the Titanic saying it couldn’t be sunk… well how about you try the MV Explorer. Salvador or Bust.

This is our current location:

Latitude: 4° 15.61 N
Longitude: 48° 9.03 W
Traveling at 17.8 knots

4 Response to "23 hour days"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    February 13, 2007 at 3:03 PM

    i have come to the realization that i have one regret in life...not getting on board that god damn floating hotel you are on...

  2. Anonymous Says:
    February 13, 2007 at 9:58 PM


  3. Anonymous Says:
    February 14, 2007 at 2:09 AM

    We got your postcard today. It was exciting. Everyone was excited for you, and I'm not saying that. Anyways, even Trent said he got the chills when he read it. You're missed. Don't sleep on that boat! that will make you sleep when you are here, and we all know we can't have you sleeping. Anyways, have fun! and btw, i(amanda)need your number again because my phone is dead forever. But I got a new one.

    talk to you later kevin.

    and good luck with the big storm.. whenever it comes.


  4. MdrnPrincess says:
    February 14, 2007 at 7:49 AM

    WHAT?! Are you out of your mind... do I have to come find you to knock some sense into you? You are to stay ALIVE!!! But meanwhile while you are still kicking let me know when you are on London time! Just think we will actually be waking up together. haha... Miss you Frasure xo