Some fun things to look at

Am I the only one that finds this creepy? I wish I would have taken pictures of some of the other ones.

Anyone looking for a nice place to stay? There are a few people that have voiced their opinion that they will only come visit me if they can stay in a nice hotel instead of whatever will be my house. Trust me, there are no hotels in Yo Creek. Well, I have just the thing for you. The Hi-Et! It may not be 5 Stars but it probably has all the things you are looking for in a quality guest house. Hyatt or Hi-Et? It's all the same in Belize!

Ever wonder where all the hippest people get their clothes? The saying used to be "Where you gonna get yo clothes? Deveroux's." I think they had it all wrong. It's Boyz II Men. Not only did they always look good on stage, I can now see where they got all that inspiration for their fantastic 'slow song' skating rink ballads. I waited outside of this place 'On Bended Knee' for a long time but they were never open. It must be a members only thing. Someone told me they were open 'Yesterday' when it was raining, but now the 'Water Runs Dry'. I walked to the 'End of the Road' but the door was never open. Perhaps 'One Sweet Day' it will be open and I can finally get a look into the inspiration behind the greatest R&B group to ever hit 'Motown Philly'.

That pole look at little off to you? That's because it is! This was just outside the Police Station in San Ignacio and what purpose it serves I cant figure out but I looked at it for hours. That may be its purpose after all, to let stupid white kids like me trying to figure out its place in the world. There are cables coming from everywhere to keep it up but it bends more in all directions than the tower in Piza. This picture doesnt even do the pole justice but I like to consider it a landmark or San Ignacio.

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