Only a Few Days Left

I have been in San Ignacio for a little over a month now and the time has flown by. They told us it would, but like most things in life, I didnt listen. On Friday we pack up all our things, get on a bus to Belmopan and find out what lies ahead for the next two years. Here are some of the options that I could be working with:

1. Carazol Town
- Working at a school with kids
2. Orange Walk Village
-I should know the name of the village but cant remember it
-Working at a school
3. Benque Viejo
-Working for the Belize House of Culture
-Running and development of programs that teach Belizeans about their culture and facilitate youth groups on various topics
4. San Ignacio
-Cornerstone Foundation
- This is a volunteer organization where people from all over the world pay money to come volunteer in Belize. They do lots of HIV/AIDS awareness work
-From what we have heard, this is a site without much supervision but a lot of funding. Depending on how you work, you could do amazing things.
5. Armenia
-Belize National Youth Chess Foundation (BNYCF)
-Uses chess as a tool to teach youth about life. Goal setting, cause and effect, math, geography, architecture... you'd be surprised to see how much this curriculum teaches by using Chess.
-This is the site I explained in an earlier post comparing the luxury I live in San Ignacio compared to other training sites (this could be karma).

Some people are freaking out about where they are going to send us. The Kriol YD people are going to Belmopan and Punta Gorda (2 each). They actually have their meeting today to decide where we are going and we will find out on Friday during, with no doubt, some kind of "fun activity."

No matter which site I get placed in, I will probably be living on my own around the first of November. Starting next Monday, I'll be living with a new host family while looking for a place of my own and getting settled into my assignment.

San Ignacio has been fun but all things must come to an end. I will surely come back here from time to time to visit friends and live in "luxury" if that luxury only means something as simple as a fan to cool me off from sweating so profusely.

I'll keep you posted

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