One small irony

So if you havent noticed, which you probably havent since I leave them out to spare you, Peace Corps is so full of acronyms that I almost go insane.There are so many. Here are just a few from memory, there is no way I can remember them all...

PCV- Peace Corps Volunteer
PCT- Peace Corps Trainee
PM- Progam Manager
APCD- Assistant Peace Corps Director
PCMO- Peace Corps Medical Officer
LCF- Language and Cultural Facilitator
TT- Technical Trainer
PCVL- Peace Corps Volunteer Leader

you get the point... its ridiculous

Those are just the positions, you dont want to get me started with the organizations and other things they put an abbreviation on.

But something I noticed recently is just what I seeem to have a problem with every major program I've been a part of. Call it being in ResLife or the Peace Corps, everything has to be completely politically correct.

Most American culture also abbreviates politically correct to PC but its hard because here, everything that is given the letters PC is Peace Corps. Get the irony?

I rest my case

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