Getting Arrested...

I've been here maybe a month now, although it feels a lot longer. It was only a matter of time before this gringo would get into trouble. Usually I have no problem finding trouble, but here it seems to find me.

Every Tuesday and Friday, I am required to go into the capital in Belmopan for training. We get on the bus at 6:40 and arrive just around 8:00am. It seems to work flawless on Tuesdays. Fridays always seem to be a different story...

There we were, just minding out our business, riding the bus when the bus got stopped by immigration. They get on the bus, check IDs and then usually let you go. We got stopped last week and they were not pleased that we didnt have our passports (We were told by PC that we shouldnt carry them) and we had no other forms of ID. Last friday they let us go when we told them we were PC. Not this Friday.

They got on the bus and were not happy that a bus made for 48 had 76 people on it. Something to do with safety but its how the bus system works here! By this time, we all had our PC IDs and we thought we were good. This apparently wasnt good enough. They made all of the Whiteys get off the bus unless we had our passport. I luckily had mine but the Police Officer took my passport and then left the bus so I ran after him.

They told us we were illegally in the country and there was lots of confusing until one of the PC people showed up and saved the day. We all got our IDs back except for my passport. I would have bet my life that the Police Officer had my passport which he said he never even saw it. It was a lot of confusion, some arguing in Kriol, before I decided to check my bag and there it was. I guess in the confusion, he gave it back to me and then I got off the bus for no reason.

Who's the stupid white guy that makes a scene for no reason? Yup... thats me.

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