El Rio Blanco

While in San Jose, I did do more than just sit there the entire time. As I said earlier, there were no buses on Sunday. Well we wanted to go swimming. It was just the next town over. haha If I would have only known what I was in for.

The day started at 6:00am like most days but we were out of the house by 7 and going for a "little walk". This walk turned into an hour and 40 minutes of walking through the jungle on a tiny dirt road. It was great. And by great, I mean it was nothing like what I was expecting by a "little walk".

We got to the next town over, Santa Cruz, and then turned on a "main road" (this was a town of about 300). Another mile up the hill was El Rio Blanco national park. It was like showing up to a movie set or some kind of tropical dream. I'll just let the pictures do the talking.

I wish I had taken more pictures but I know that other people have some of me diving from the top of the waterfall into the falls themselves. The water was about 30 feet deep and I never touched bottom where we swam. The overhang of the waterfall created a small "room" behind the falls that we hung out in for awhile. A bit surreal and absolutely amazing.

So in end, we walked for about 3 hours and 15 minutes to swim for about 2 hours. All this was accomplished before noon. Then we sat around and did more sitting around. Great weekend, and even better experience. I'm excited to be out on my own in a month.

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