Pizza and Jamming with the Boys

Originally the idea behind going out with the boys was for the girls and not for us, go figure. Dan and I were used to getting the shaft based on the fact that we weren’t South African, we didn’t sing, we didn’t play instruments, we didn’t have a car, and we didn’t have accents. We had everything going against us but we went along for the ride anyway.
The original plan was to go to the beach and light some candles and jam out on harmonicas and guitars. Basically just to woo the girls one more time, as if they needed to. The winds were too harsh so we decided to just go back to their house and order pizza. I was excited because they even made us a homemade chocolate cake. So cake and pizza… sign me up.
The pizza was good, the cider was better. Dan and I had a 6 pack race and I won because that’s what I do but the cider is like drinking 3.2 beer so it was more for the sake of needing something to do as the girls ignored us and the boys weren’t worth competing over for their attention. I had a great time just listening to the music and chilling with Dan. Once Sean gave me a drum and told me to sing a little. I was all for it. Why not make an ass of myself? Now any of you that know me know about my rhythm problems and well the singing voice isn’t up to par either. But the question remained… could I drum and sing? Yes I can. This didn’t last long because I annoyed some of the girls because apparently I wasn’t up to their standards. The boys loved it, which to me was all that mattered. They didn’t care about how good you were as much as they wanted you to feel the music and have a good time. They knew we were being thrown aside and I respected them more for trying constantly to pull Dan and me in and not letting the girls completely control their attention. We were their friends too, damn it.
The girls were falling way too fast and for the most part, I just sat back and laughed because we all knew it would be ending shortly and they would be sad and I could give them the “I told you so” speech all over again. The race back to the ship was fun as always. I was with Dylan and while he may be the better driver, he never seems to know where he is going so we got lost a lot, which is fun. I can’t blame him, he just moved here from Durbin. We lost but gave the effort anyway. 4 days down… 2 to go.

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