Christmas Celebrations

The entire family
I'd first like to start with a late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It wasn't the same without everyone from home around me. And that is ok.

I wasn’t sure what Christmas would look like through a Belizean lens but I made the call a long time ago that I would spend the holiday with my family in Yo Creek. What better way to meet people and celebrate than Christmas?
I went to Christmas mass because, well, that’s just what people do. I, of course, didn’t understand any of it because it was in Spanish but my comprehension is getting better and better. I went to Melanie’s house before mass for sandwiches and they had made me special ones without mayo just how I like them. I cant say I really like them, and anyone that has ever eaten Dak knows why. Dak is basically a worse kind/knock off of Spam. It’s the most delicious piece of disgusting I can describe without vomiting all over myself.
After mass, the entire village was standing in front of the church and the youth group was passing out cake and juice. It was midnight in a village that usually has a bedtime of about 9pm so this was a special occasion. Everyone hugs, shakes hands and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.
This was the first experience I have had in Belize where I realized there are people my age that live here. I was convinced that they didn’t exist. Since there is no high school in the village, it would appear most days that there are no people between the ages of 14-30. Everyone leaves for high school and then university if they go and then work outside the village. Many people only come home for weekends, or holidays.
I was introduced to a bunch of women that invited me to a party the next night. I was worried at first because the first time I got invited to a party it ended up being a Jesus fest in Spanish that I wasn’t really into, but at this point, I was just desperate to meet people so I agreed. I could hear music when I went to bed so I knew people were partying but I decided against it and passed out.
Ami's birthday decorations to outside of the house
On xmas day, I went to my host families house and helped Ami put up decorations. You see, in Belize, they at least have an idea of why people celebrate Christmas. Its not just a time for families to get together and open up presents. It is a birthday party. Songs are sung, candles are lit, and cake is served. Happy birthday baby Jesus. Sweet 6lb 8oz baby Jesus. He was always my favorite Jesus. No one really knows when you were born but there is a 1:365 chance that it was December 25th so that seems to work for most people.
Kids opened presents and as always the girls had on their Christmas dresses. The three girls love to dress up for any birthday party, and this was a birthday party after all. Princesses were all around. The pictures may show one reoccurring theme: Kayshaleen picking her nose. She had on a beautiful dress, refused to take it off after getting it dirty, and picked her nose all day. It was priceless.
Kayshaleen 3(Pink), Corallis 4 (blue), Zeilani 5 (green), Abelito 9

There weren’t as many presents as the typical American Christmas and I think the kids are better off for it. It was more about family. More about seeing friends and spending time with those you love. Not just ripping wrapping off presents that cost much more than they are worth. It was a birthday party after all, so there had to be presents, but the presents weren’t the main focus. Not even to the kids.
Jesus' Birthday Cake
The best part of this holiday is something I want to start as a tradition back home. I am not sure how this doesn’t scare kids but they seem to love it. Santa Piñatas! Greatest idea ever! Kids grow up waiting for Santa to bring them presents for being good. They usually put out cookies and milk, sometimes carrots for Santa and his reindeer. They don’t do that here. No need to. Here they just hang Santa by his neck and beat the hell out of him with a stick until he bleeds candy.
They make these piñatas strong too. It’s going to take more than one kid to take him down. Limbs usually fall off first, which starts the premature dash to get candy. But don’t you fear, Santa is still hanging waiting for more of a beating. By the end, one kid will have a leg, another the arm but we all know most of the candy is in his chest. No one rests until they have his heart! By the end, its just a cluster of what used to be our childhood hero. Santa has been destroyed. The kids couldn’t be happier.

Stuffing candy down her dress to grab more
There is not immediate clean up. Remnants of Santa’s body remained scattered all over the ground. One of the girls even walk up to his head to shake it and see if there was more candy inside. When there wasn’t any, she threw the head to the ground in disgust.
Lessons Learned:
Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Jesus, and Die Santa Die!

Santa Before...

...Santa After

Anita, Arturo, and me (host parents)

Ryan, my sidekick, the neighbor who I showed how to throw fire crackers. He is 4.
Flowers blooming on my steps on Christmas Day

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