The Sacred City

The strangest thing about India was the small completely congested city of Varanasi. Chennai was more of an industrial kind of pollution where Varanasi was just absolute filth. It was the dirtiest place I have ever been to in my entire life and it was one of the best places I have been as well. The overpopulation of this city can’t be explained or comprehended. People everywhere with what looked like nowhere to go.
Most of the streets were unpaved and just had packed dirt. The problem with this is it hardly ever rains besides the rainy season so the dirt turns to dust and the dust then enters your lungs. I don’t have too bad of allergies but Varanasi was out of control in terms of dust and the amount I sneezed. While this isn’t just Varanasi but more of India as a whole, but the color I think of most is black. Not black because of skin color or darkness, but black because that was the color of the ear wax that would come out when you cleaned your ears. Black was the color of the snot you would blow out. Everything on your body was black. Dirty. Filthy. Varanasi was something different from the rest of India. Being the capital of the Hindu world, it just had something special about it. This was the center due to one thing: The River Ganges.

1 Response to "The Sacred City"

  1. MdrnPrincess says:
    May 6, 2007 at 3:25 AM

    Haha... great reading your blogs thus far! Wow I missed them. One interesting thing is that you have started every blog the same way. You start with, "The strangest thing about India..." I suppose that could sum Inida up in one word then....strange. However you obviously have experienced some wonderful things there so India is 'Strangely Wonderful'.