Beef and Beer

Now there is something to mention about this great country of India and possibly a reason not to go there. If you are a Beer drinking meat eater… this place is not your best friend. It’s strange! Beer is hard to find in most places and expensive. I did however find a beer called Royal Challenge that was enjoyable but the price wasn’t worth another. Most places are hole in the wall bars because most people in India do not drink due to religious practices.

If that wasn’t bad enough, you can’t even get a piece of meat in this country. Well, let me correct myself, meat can be found, just not beef. You see, the cow is sacred in India. They run the country and can be found on the road everywhere. If you kill a cow… you are in some deep cow shit, as in the gods might hate you forever. Bottom line is people don’t eat beef. Its not there. I looked. Part of the asshole in me really wanted to find some sort of beef in the country just to be rebellious, but I failed. It was no where to be found. I even degraded myself to walking into a McDonald’s but they too had nothing. They had burgers but when I ordered one, it was pork and the other was chicken. I felt trick and cheated. I guess that’s what I get for trying to mess up their customs. I just feel sorry for people that don’t know how good their sacred cow is. Yummy.

2 Response to "Beef and Beer"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    May 6, 2007 at 5:20 PM

    and because of this i will pry never go to India

  2. MdrnPrincess says:
    May 13, 2007 at 12:23 PM

    And this is another reason I do not want to go to India... I love meat!