1st Annual Mustache Bash

A long time ago in the land of training to become a PCV, a wise man named Greg thought it would be a great idea to raise money for local charities in Belize. He found a program called "mustaches for kids" that has a blog and tries to get as many people as possible to grow a mustache. It was too easy not to do it and I figured I had nothing better to do so I might as well give it a shot.

There is just one small catch: I cant grow facial hair.

I tried as hard as I could. The idea was that you were supposed to shave clean on October 26th and then grow like a bearded woman until Thanksgiving. I even cheated. When I was supposed to shave, I decided against it and stretched my mustache to almost 7 weeks before Thanksgiving. Surely, I would have had a presentable stache by then. Clearly, I was wrong.
At the first annual Stache Bash there were 6 competitors. They had made the awards of "Best Stache," "Most Pathetic Stache," " Richest Stache," "Cheapest Stache," "Most Half-assed Stache," and "Most Enthusiastic Stache."

But instead of just getting together and giving away awards, we decided we needed to make some competition out of the whole deal. We decided there would be 3 events. Stength, Absorption, and Desirability.

Strength was decided by attaching a binder clip to 1 single hair of the stache that was connected to a cup. Caps of water would be added to the cup until the cup fell to the ground. However many capfuls you held would be your number. Highest number won. Sounds easy right? It was until you realize that the hair on your upper lip is about to be ripped out. No big deal, we are men, and this is what men do.

Absorption was tested by dipping a stache into a cup of water and then transferring it to another cup. 5 dunks each. Whoever had the most water in the transfer cup wins.
Desirability was tested by a panel of 5 lovely ladies who decided from who they just love to take a mustache ride on.

Needless to say, I got last in all competitions and came home with the "Most Pathetic Stache" award. I take pride in looking like an idiot. Most people actually had mustaches, I had a few hairs that would have looked better if I drew them on. Any junior high kid going to a school dance shaves their upper lip more than me. Someday I'll be a real man, that someday just isn't today.

Before "absorption"

"Strength" test. I got 3 cups

Greg Casaletto everyone, what a sexy human being.

Here I am... Rock you like a Peter Kane!!! This is our champion for "Best Stache." He looked great. I think he grew more in the first day than I did in 7 weeks.

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