Long Overdue Absence

It's been awhile. I would and should apologize but then again, I will just use the excuse that I was busy. It's not entirely true but it kind of is.

The truth is actually far from being busy. I have been busy over the summer but in a different way. Where as during the school year I am busy at school (which consists of a lot of time in front of the computer, writing this blog), during the summer I am busy in a totally different kind of way.

I'm free during the summer. I can mostly do whatever I want and am not held down by the ups and downs and expectations of the school day. So because of that I got to travel around a lot and help other people with their projects. I also didn't really have to ask permission to do projects in Yo Creek like I have to have approval for everything from someone on staff before I do anything. I can make my own agenda which is a lot more liberating.

I will also blame Melissa for my lack of blogging. This is, again, a horrible excuse but having a visitor for 2 months doesn't allow for a lot of time in front of a computer. We were too busy seeing and exploring.

The bottom line is it is becoming harder and harder to write about Belize in a way that you can understand because it is becoming more and more of everyday life. I don't understand how people can write blogs back home where they do the same thing everyday. Well I see how they can do it, but why would they expect people to ever read it? That's where I am today.

Yo Creek is still just as amazing as it was the day I moved here almost a year ago, but very few things are new. And if they are new, very few things are story worthy in a way that anyone would understand. I'll try my best but all of the funny pictures and surprising things to find have probably been found.

But, now school is back in and I will try to post at least once a week. I have a lot to catch up on from over the summer and many many pictures to post.

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